Saturday, June 30, 2012

Anya Savranskaya: Dance and Movement as New Fashion of 60s and 70s

Beautiful things happen when people dance together. Movement brings joyful energy, warmth, and connection. Music inspires kindred frequencies. The language of movement has always fascinated me, how people of different nations can unite and experience similar emotions and ideas through their connection in dance. The passion for dance was my beginning point for this project. But the journey that I set out to take had many surprises along the way. Through this project I have met amazing people, reconnected with old friends, and have grown personally.

Late 60s and early 70s have transformed the dance culture along with all other changes that were happening in America. It became all about exploration of one’s freedom, expression of one’s individuality, and connection between mind, body, and spirit. Dance became a celebration of life through movement. Even in professional circles, dance companies were exploring new territories. Performances were not reserved for closed spaces any longer, but spilled out into streets, parks, forests. And anyone could dance! And everyone did!

Many colorful bright fun-loving people joined together to recreate the spirit of 60s/70s dance happening. Kevin Phinney was our own super amazing DJ, spinning the most electrifying tunes. I was inspired by Kevin’s commitment and integrity to put my heart and dedication into something I believe in. As the perfect setting for the dance my dear friend Shimi Kahn offered his magic house with beautiful view and spacious backyard. Louise Roby supported me and provided many useful ideas for this happening, and her husband Bob Roby along with my classmate Nicole Xu provided their amazing photography skills. And of course, I want to thank my professor Michael Cepress for the adventure that he made the Counter Couture class to be and for supporting me through the whole process and personally joining us in the dance celebration.

Besides the dance happening that I organized, I also participated in the Dances of Universal Peace, which were originally created by Murshid Samuel L. Lewis (1896-1971). The Dances are simple and full of joy and meditative flow; and their purpose is “to increase joy, not awe towards another person, but bliss in our own self. This is finding God within, through experience.” ~ Sufi Sam

Anya Savranskaya

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